Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Kontor på höga höjder

Att ha ett kontor som detta skulle verkligen mildra ångesten över att gå tillbaks till jobbet efter den långa, sköna semestern. Problemet vore kanske att kafferasterna skulle tendera att bli längre och längre när man blickar ut över ett sådant vackert landskap. Den innovativa kuben ligger vid Chuckanut Bay i Bellingham, Washington, och visst skulle det även passa som hotellkoncept eller privat sommarstuga?

Bilder Peter Frazier, via Trendir.

Having an office like this would really eazen the anguish over going back to work after the vacation. The only problem I could see is the coffebreaks that would just get longer and longer with that incredible view. The innovative cube is located by Chuckanut Bay in Bellingham, Washington, and it would do just fine as a hotelconcept or private summerhouse, don't you think?

Photos Peter Frazier, via Trendir.


  1. Beautiful, but I must say the foundations on that thing don't look all that solid to moi. Time will tell.
